138 Pike Street - Port Jervis, NY 12771 (map)
Monday 10:00-6:00
Tuesday 10:00-6:00
Thursday 10:00-6:00
Friday 10:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00

A Carnegie library is a library built with money donated by Scottish-American businessman and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. A total of 2,509 Carnegie libraries were built between 1883 and 1929, including some belonging to public and university library systems. 1,689 were built in the United States.
Nearly all of Carnegie's libraries were built according to "the Carnegie formula," which required financial commitments for maintenance and operation from the town that received the donation. Carnegie required public support rather than making endowments because, as he wrote:
"an endowed institution is liable to become the prey of a clique. The public ceases to take interest in it, or, rather, never acquires interest in it. The rule has been violated which requires the recipients to help themselves. Everything has been done for the community instead of its being only helped to help itself."
Carnegie required the elected officials—the local government—to:
demonstrate the need for a public library;
provide the building site;
pay staff and maintain the library;
draw from public funds to run the library—not use only private donations;
annually provide ten percent of the cost of the library's construction to support its operation; and,
provide free service to all.
The Port Jervis Free Library is dedicated to the development and promotion of collections, services, and programs which provide opportunities for educational, business, professional, and personal enrichment. The trustees, director, and staff together are committed to excellence and innovation in library services and operations as well as growth consistent with the community’s ability to provide funding and support.
The Port Jervis Free Library is a member of The Ramapo Catskill Library System (RCLS) a non-profit, cooperative public library system chartered in 1959 by the New York State Board of Regents.
Library cards are available for free to permanent residents of the Port Jervis School District. With your library card, you can: check out books, magazines, DVDs and CDs; place holds and access your account online; access library databases from home; download audiobooks and ebooks; use the Library's public computers and Internet; and connect to wireless Internet. If your library card is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the Library. Replacement cards cost $5.00.
must live in the Port Jervis School Disrict
must have proof of address (i.e. utility bill with current address)
must have a picture ID (acceptable forms of picture identification include driver's license, school ID, military ID, or passport)
may check out any circulating library materials
must pay late fines and for damaged or lost library materials
non-resident property owners within the Port Jervis School District must bring in their school/property tax bill annually, along with their picture ID